Sweet Vibrations at Dr. Connie & Marcel’s Big Island Vacation Retreat
At the Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii Retreat Center, our guests are blessed to enjoy many easily recognized and lesser-known tropical fruits, as well as some wonderful plants and trees that offer healing benefits.
Moringa has recently come onto the supplement market, though we first learned of its benefits some time ago, from Echo Global Farm in Fort Myers, Florida.
Echo supports sustainable farming techniques and promotes the growing of native foods. Echo has wonderful demonstration gardens, a seed bank, and a comprehensive library. You can visit Echo online at https://echonet.org/
Moringa leaves can be eaten fresh or powdered. Moringa leaves are full of protein, antioxidants, and other nutrients, and the seeds of the moringa are packed with iron, zinc, and fiber. Moringa seeds can also be used to purify water.
The Neem trees on the property offer antimicrobial tooth picks, and the leaves are anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory.
Chayote, a gourd-like fruit eaten like a vegetable, occasionally proliferates on the property. Chayote is used in folk medicine in the treatment of high blood pressure, kidney stones, and indigestion.
We’re always delighted by the gifts the land offers us, and we hope you’ll come for a visit soon!

Looking for rest, rejuvenation, and a little peace and quiet? Enjoy a healing stay at our Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center! Follow the link to the Hawaii Peace Garden Retreat calendar to see if there’s an opening. It’s Sweet, Safe, and Slow in “Old Hawaii”
You can also contact us directly at Pacific Naturopathic (650-961-1660) if you’re interested in a stay at the retreat. Or you can email Dr. Marcel HawaiiND@mac.com with your questions.
To see photos, click here. However, booking through us directly instead of on the agent’s site will save you a chunk in broker fees.
Breast Thermography at Pacific Naturopathic
A friendly reminder to all our thermography patients. Marina, our thermographic technician, is rotating through the clinic every three months or so.
Please call the clinic at 650-961-1660 to put your name on a list to be notified of the next available appointment times.
Note also that we’ve found our add-on upper-body thermography particularly useful for identifying tooth and jaw conditions that may contribute to lymphatic issues in the breast tissue.
You can read more about breast thermography at Pacific Naturopathic HERE. To schedule an appointment, call 650-961-1660
One of Our Favorite Products
We consider Aurum Lavender Rose Cream a fantastic soothing support that helps us stay centered and promotes an overall sense of well-being. It’s so gentle and lovely! We rub it over our hearts before bed for calm, sweet sleep.
Aurum Lavender Rose Cream is a great product to help with the stress of holidays, travel, new experiences, and anytime you may need emotional strength. For temporary relief and protection from stress and tension, rub over the heart area every morning and evening as needed.
It’s also a great gift idea for loved ones. Aurum Lavender Rose Cream contains homeopathic potencies of horse chestnut, horsetail, St. John’s wort, gold, and myrrh. It also contains peat extract, lavender oil, geranium oil, rose oil, and frankincense in a non-greasy cream base. Available in our office for $27.
Unusual Medical Practices
Mercury as Medicine? Mercury’s toxic properties are well-documented, but did you know that it was once prescribed as an elixir and a topical medicine?
The ancient Persians and Greeks considered mercury a useful ointment, and second-century Chinese alchemists prized liquid mercury (“quicksilver”) and red mercury sulfide for supposedly increasing lifespan and vitality.
Some healers even promised that consuming noxious brews containing poisonous mercury, sulfur, and arsenic would grant their patients eternal life and the ability to walk on water!
One of the most famous casualties of this highly toxic practice was Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang, who died after ingesting mercury pills designed to make him immortal.
From the Renaissance until the early 20th century, Mercury was used as a popular medicine for sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis. While some accounts claimed the treatment was successful, the patients often died from the liver and kidney damage it caused.
For information about the services we offer at Pacific Naturopathic, please give us a call at 650-961-1660, use the convenient Contact Form to get in touch, or follow the link to: Consultations – Pacific Naturopathic. Thank you!