Effectiveness of Intravenous Nutrient Therapy

At Pacific Naturopathic, we offer Intravenous Nutrient Therapy (IVNT),

Dr. Marcel Hernandez, ND

which is an extremely safe, effective therapy that employs natural substances in varying concentrations to enable accelerated healing and promote optimal health.

Most any condition can benefit from high-dose nutrient therapy – from acute cold symptoms, cancer, migraines, and viral infections.

At Pacific Naturopathic and the Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care we offer a wide array of I.V. formulas for a number of medical conditions:

Conditions Treated with Intravenous Nutrient Therapy (IVNT) at Pacific Naturopathic

Autoimmune conditions (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis)HIV
CancerLyme Disease and other chronic infections
Chronic Fatigue SyndromeMacular degeneration, cataracts, and certain retinopathies
DementiaMigraine headaches
DepressionMultiple Sclerosis
DepressionParkinson's Disease
DiabetesPeripheral artery disease
Environmental toxicity, including heavy metal toxicityPost-traumatic or post-operative wound healing
FibromyalgiaPeripheral Artery Disease
Flu symptomsPost-traumatic / post-operative wound healing
Heart disease

The benefits seen by patients will vary, depending on the severity of the illness and a the individual response to treatment. The desirable outcomes that we routinely see with our patients include:

Benefits of Intravenous Nutrient Therapy (IVNT)

The following are some of the benefits we routinely see in our patients at Pacific Naturpathic with IVNT treatment.
Accelerate recovery Hydrate the body
Alleviate nutritional deficienciesImprove circulation
Bolster the body’s cancer-fighting capacityIncrease cellular detoxification
Decrease symptoms related to chronic or acute illnessIncrease energy
Encourage cellular repair and regenerationInhibit disease progression
Enhance a sense of well-beingProvide preventive immune support
Enhance the body’s ability to healStimulate and increase immune system function
Enhance treatment efficacy

Interested in exploring the world of IV nutrient therapy? Dr. Marcel is happy to answer your questions. Please give us a call at 650-917-1121 for more information. And visit our dedicated website: www.IntravenousTherapies.com