A Healthier Way to Balance Your Endocrine Glands

The body’s endocrine system is a tremendously fascinating subject.

Our glands affect every aspect of our being: our body, feelings, mind, and spirit.

As a young student of naturopathic medicine, I had an intense interest in the pineal gland. 

In the early 1970s, I devoured books that discussed the pineal gland’s role. Those books, which were revolutionary for their time, included Sheila Ostrander’s Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain and Louise Lacey’s Lunaception.

I marveled at the discussion of the connections between the pineal gland and the cycles of the sun and moon, the ocean tides, and women’s fertility.

From my studies in spirituality, I began to understand that the infinite energy and intelligence of the universe influences us through subtle energy centers in our bodies that are intimately connected to the endocrine glands.

These interactions not only affect the well-being of our bodies; they powerfully influence our mind and emotions.

Because of these complex interactions, the science of endocrinology has tremendous implications for our overall well-being.

With the rise of energy-based healing modalities, the limitations of conventional, matter-based endocrinology have become increasingly apparent. 

In traditional medicine, a doctor may decide that we’re perfectly healthy because our hormone levels are within the 5th to 95th percentiles of the general – but not necessarily healthy – population.

If the doctor decides that a gland has – statistically – lost its function, he or she will offer us a drug or a hormone. But energy-based medicine has advanced to a level of insight where this simplistic view of the endocrine system is no longer adequate.

The new science of “fumeditation-644859_640nctional endocrinology” asks whether the function of the gland is optimal, not merely if it is “average.”

Functional endocrinology tries to improve the healthy functioning of the gland, instead of simply throwing a few hormones at it, or stimulating it with a drug.

Functional endocrinology also strives to understand the complex relationships of each gland with the endocrine system and the body as a whole.

This interconnectedness is extremely sensitive, such that you cannot tinker with an isolated hormone produced by one gland and imagine that you won’t be changing everything else in the bargain – with potentially negative effects.

Thus, simply prescribing cortisol for a patient who suffers from adrenal insufficiency will never be the end of the story. In treating any glandular imbalance, it’s essential to take all of the physical, mental, emotional, and environmental factors into account.

In functional endocrinology, if we identify a need for hormonal correction, we use “bio-identical” hormones. These hormones are manufactured to be identical to those naturally produced by the body.

As an example of a drug that is not bio-identical, we can cite Premarin, which has caused tremendous disruption in millions of women’s bodies. Premarin contains estrogen that is bio-identical to hormones found in horse bodies, not human bodies.

DISTURBING FACT: In today’s pharmaceutically biased culture, hormone lookalike drugs are deliberately manufactured to be slightly dissimilar to human hormones so that they can be patented and sold. Their molecular dissimilarity, however, causes them to behave unlike the hormones produced naturally by the body, and this dissimilarity can disturb the body’s natural functioning, instead of correcting it.

connieOne of my medical mentors, Dr. Jonathan Wright, summarized the goal of functional endocrinology: “Copy nature, copy nature, copy nature.” 

In our naturopathic medical practice, our constant goal is to free the vix medicatrix naturae – the “healing power of nature.”

Our goal is always to work with the body to help it heal and balance the endocrine system in its own wise way.

Read more about the medical services Dr. Connie offers:  http://www.naturopathichealthconsultations.com

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