Looking for rest, rejuvenation, peace and quiet?  Come to Pacific Naturopathic’s Big Island Retreat Center!

Photo: Jackson’s Chameleon. Our grateful thanks to photographer Amy Humphries on Unsplash!

Animal life abounds at our Hawaii Pacific Naturopathic Big Island Retreat Center, from amphibians and reptiles to birds and mammals.

A  variety of creatures co-exist on the PNRC property, including a feral handicapped hen called “Limpy Lucy” and her boyfriend, a magnificent rooster.

Varying numbers of wandering cats prowl the property and are loving fed, named, and tended by our caretakers, Marcus and Shigeko.

The animals get along well with each other and with Payton, our grandson Quinn’s 75-pound Boxer buddy and “brother.”

Occasional roosters, rafters of wild turkeys, renegade wild piglets, cattle, and goat escapees from neighboring fields may find their way into the fenced property.

Mongeese mind their business, scuttering about. And today our son and retreat manager Gabe found a rogue Jackson chameleon resting on a branch of a macadamia nut tree.

PN Retreat view. Click image to enlarge.

Plant life is also abundant and colorfully diverse. Every time we arrive at PNRC, we find new botanical surprises. The biodiverse ecosystem constantly adjusts, and the land continues to offer surprising bounty.

After many years of non-bearing growth the lemon drop mangosteen and the canistel (egg fruit) are finally offering their fruit.

The Brazilian cherries this year have exceeded all our expectations.  A chayote vine planted on the root ball of a fallen lychee tree is producing fruit, and the shoots on the trunk of the lychee tree are gearing up their fruit production.

Spend some vacation time at PNRC, and see what lifeforms you might discover!


Check our Hawaii Peace Garden Retreat calendar to see when there’s an opening for you.



Contact us directly at Pacific Naturopathic (650-961-1660) if you’re interested in staying at our Hawaii retreat. Please email Dr. Marcel directly at HawaiiND@mac.com with questions.

If you want to see more photos click HERE, but booking directly through us, not this site, will save you a chunk of money in fees.