It’s our pleasure and delight to introduce our daughter-in-law, Marina Day Hernandez, who has joined Pacific Naturopathic as our new thermography technician.
Marina has successfully completed a professional training course in thermography and will soon receive additional training from the company that manufactures our new thermography equipment.
To date, we’ve offered thermography primarily for the breast – stay tuned to learn how we’ll use thermography to assess conditions in other parts of the body.
The PN Family Tree
Our hearts are warmed to see how Pacific Naturopathic has increasingly become a family business over the years.
Drs. Connie and Marcel Hernandez are the docs.
Jane Hernandez, Dr. Marcel’s sister, offers hypnosis, EFT, and other therapies for maintaining a healthy spirit and mind.
Gabriel Hernandez, our son, now serves as office manager, systems analyst, advertising manager. Gabe is well on his way to becoming our CEO.
Marina Day Hernandez, Gabe’s wife, is our new thermography technician.
Quinn Hernandez, Gabe and Marina’s eight-month-old son, is in charge of joy and sweetness and receives free room and board for his labors.
Thinking about receiving vaccinations?
While we aren’t actively promoting vaccines at Pacific Naturopathic, we realize that our patients may want to protect themselves by receiving COVID-19 vaccination.
If you or your family plan to be vaccinated, we’re pleased to offer homeopathic protocols that can help prevent adverse reactions, and we’ll be happy to help you address any adverse reactions should they occur. (Consult with Dr. Connie for more information.)
For information about the services we offer at Pacific Naturopathic, please give us a call at 650-961-1660, use the convenient Contact Form to get in touch, or follow the link to: Consultations – Pacific Naturopathic. Thank you!