There is no longer the slightest whisper of a shred of a vestige of a doubt that our state as whole beings powerfully affects the health of our bodies. Science has shown us very clearly that our thoughts and feelings powerfully affect our health.
We are born into these bodies, but our bodies are very far from being the whole story.
We inhabit a particular body for a short time on our long journey toward the stars. On the rare occasions when we pause from our busy lives to look within, we KNOW that we are greater than the sum of our physical parts.
What positive qualities have you seen by looking into your own nature? Kindness? Patience? Compassion? Kindness? Love? Gratitude? Forgiveness? Integrity? Fair-mindedness? Joy in giving? Servicefulness? Selflessness?
Now ask yourself: what qualities would you like to begin, or continue to develop?
I find it worthwhile occasionally to make a list of my inner qualities, mentally or on paper. It gives me a helpful summation of my progress toward Self-Realization.
By listing your positive qualities, you will realize that they are qualities of the Divine that dwells at the center of your being. Wonderful qualities such as kindness and compassion are not like refrigerator magnets that we attach temporarily to our outer being – they are permanent, eternal qualities of our own soul – that part of us that is our true reality, and that is a perfect expression of the Divine.
In fact, our ability to give kindness to others is not our own. It is the Spirit moving through us. The ability to express ompassion, kindness, and other expansive qualities is a great spiritual victory. It tells us that we have taken a definite step on the ladder toward unending happiness, by sufficiently releasing our hold on the ego to embrace the realities of others.
Complete happiness comes when we are able to align our every slightest action with our highest vision. This is the sublime, unbroken happiness that see in the saints.
How can we grow toward ever-deeper levels of happiness? This is the essence of the spiritual work that we have been given.
There’s a simple spiritual truth that we can test in our everyday lives. Our happiness naturally expands, and our suffering decreases, to the extent that we are able to expand our consciousness to include realities larger than ourselves.
Here are some simple suggestions for expanding your awareness and finding greater happiness. Call them spiritual therapy.
- Let go of past hurts and disappointments. Every moment of every day is an opportunity to experience the joy of connecting with the divine love that lives at the heart of your being. All true spiritual paths offer us guidance for experiencing the bliss of our own expanding awareness.
- Examine any patterns of thought and action that might be blocking your inner vision. EFT and hypnosis, offered in our clinic, are excellent tools for erasing old “tapes” that we may be playing in our consciousness – old mindsets and mechanical complacencies that can dull the sharpness of our vision.
- When dealing with issues that befuddle you, seek guidance from your inner awareness so that you can take the right spiritual action. If you cannot find inner clarity, seek the help of someone whose spiritual insights you trust. Human arrogance believes that we can find all of our answers ourselves. But when we’re learning to climb mountains, it’s folly not to seek instruction from someone more skilled than ourselves. And climbing the ladder of spiritual progress is far more rewarding, with far greater stakes, than climbing a pile of rocks.
- In every moment, speak the truth as you know it. Honesty and integrity are vital keys to self-expansion. Never say anything that would be deliberately misleading or hurtful to others.
- Listen carefully and calmly to what other people are saying, especially in moments of strong emotion. Strive to develop the ability to be compassionately discerning, and to filter out distractions that may cast shadows on the truth.
- Surround yourself with seekers who are striving to sharpen their own vision. Other people’s magnetism is contagious, for good or ill – and friends who support you on your journey can help you transform the experience of your life from arduous and confusing, to joyful and focused.
- Embrace the truth of who you are. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
From the depths of your inner vision, laugh, love, seek true lasting happiness, let go of attachment to mental concepts, and prepare your heart to fly. Forming your own connections to a reality greater than yourself will release you from fear and carry you, step by step, to the bliss of the Divine.
For more on Dr. Marcel’s work, follow THIS LINK.