If you’ve ever worked in a healing profession, you surely must know what a dicey proposition it can be to suggest that a patient’s symptoms might be related to their emotions.
Very often, what the patient hears is: “Your symptoms aren’t real! You’re imagining them! You’re creating them with your mind! Your problems are all your fault!”
If the patient is harboring anger and resentment, the last thing they’ll want to hear is that that no amount of medicine will help them in the long run, unless and until they’ve dealt with the precipitating emotional issues.
There was a strange period, years ago, when I began to lose my voice at regular intervals. A nineteen-year-old clerk in a health food store suggested that there might be emotions that I hadn’t accessed and expressed, and that I should work on those issues before looking for a cure in a bottle.
Whether the young man’s advice was correct, it felt downright hurtful and insulting. Whether the loss of my powers of speech was physical or emotional, it was very real to me!
Nevertheless, years later, I once again found myself suffering from repeated bouts of acute laryngitis, accompanied by near-complete loss of speech.
Fortunately, I met an intuitive healer who guided me into a meditative state where I was able to access and release the emotions that were the source of the problem.
Since then, I’ve occasionally experienced a raspy voice, but I’ve never lost my voice.
When I was young, I remember comforting my little brother: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me!”
Unfortunately, it simply isn’t true. The thoughts and feelings of others project a powerful energy that can do us real harm.
Research at the Institute of HeartMath shows that the thoughts and feelings of others can positively or negatively affect our heart rhythms and brain waves at a distance of up to six feet, with cascading health effects on our bodies.
Our bodies, feelings, and thoughts are intricately linked by a complex net of energetic connections. Japanese scientist Emoto Sensei showed that human thoughts and emotions can change the crystalline patterns of water. Harmonious thoughts created beautiful crystalline structures in frozen water crystals, while violent words cause muddied or jumbled structures.
Similarly, scientists at the Institute of HeartMath have shown that harmonious feelings have a powerful harmonizing effect on the heart, making it beat in a smooth, regular pattern; while negative thoughts and feelings make our hearts beat chaotically, like a car that’s running out of gas.
The average adult body is 50-65% water. The percentage of water in infants is much higher, typically 75-78% water, dropping to 65% by one year of age. And because our positive or negative thoughts and feelings powerfully impact the water in our bodies, every thought and emotion has the potential to heal or harm us – and others as well.
The changes in our bodies from these emotions are quite real. Our positive and negative feelings are transmitted throughout the body. Our cells communicate with each other through electromagnetic vibrations. This is why vibrational medicines such as homeopathy, flower essences, and affirmations are able to exert powerful healing effects at physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
Methods such as the Emotional Freedom Technique work through these energetic systems to heal us.
Meditation practices can transform us even more profoundly, by opening our awareness to the healing bliss that is ever present at the innermost core of our being.
While medicines and surgery can alleviate our pain, these outward means aren’t always able to effect a permanent healing. Using physical healing modalities while clinging to unresolved emotions is rather like taking alternate doses of a strong poison and its antidote. This is why, in our naturopathic medical practice, Dr. Marcel and I speak openly of stress management, mindfulness, and meditation as central to the healing process.
Our moods do matter!
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Read more about the medical services Dr. Connie offers here: http://www.naturopathichealthconsultations.com