Cancer: What We Know, What We’ve Learned, Who Survives


Photo: Many thanks to James Wainscoat on Unsplash!

by Marcel Hernandez, ND

As Dr. Connie noted in a recent article, we’ve adapted our practice over the years to meet the medical demands of the patients we see.

We have gone from a primary care small-town practice in Vermont to a high-profile chronic illness and adjunctive cancer treatment center in congested Silicon Valley. And in the transition we’ve learned a great deal.

I thought I would share with you eight conclusions that we’ve arrived at, based on our experience with our cancer patients.

  1. Conventional chemotherapy rarely works. We’ve seen a few cases of testicular cancer, breast cancer, and blood cancer where chemo has had a positive effect when combined with our supportive therapies. In almost every case, however, the chemo has decreased the patient’s quality of life – they’ve paid a steep price to extend their lifespan by a few months.
Marcel Hernandez, ND

Patients often ask, “Dr. Marcel. If your wife had cancer, would you suggest that she have chemo?” My measured response has always been, “I cannot make a decision for you. But for my family, I would seek other routes of therapy that don’t poison the body.” Based on direct observation, I have concluded that chemotherapy always raises the question of whether it will cause the patient’s demise before the cancer does.

  1. The adjunctive cancer therapies we offer at Pacific Naturopathic are effective at killing cancer cells and prolonging life spans, with almost zero side-effects. We’ve been able to verify this surprising claim by conventional testing. Furthermore, if a patient chooses to have chemotherapy, our supportive approaches lessen the toxic effects, while enhancing the therapeutic effects of the drugs.
  2. Some of our cancer patients have recovered to a point where their cancers were no longer detectable by conventional diagnostics. For others, the cancer has remained stable and the quality of their lives has remained high. This has even been true for some stage-four cancers.
  3. Our cancer patients who have transitioned have mostly been late-stage patients who were weakened by conventional therapies. Many of these patients came to us as a last resort, usually after their oncologist told them that conventional medicine had no more to offer them. Our adjunctive therapies provided comfort and relief from some of the issues that plagued them as a result of their conventional treatments.
  4. Some cancers are unresponsive to either conventional or adjunctive therapies. We don’t know why this is so. As one of our patients remarked, after years of battling with the disease, “Cancer is relentless.”
  5. Most cancer survivors have three main characteristics:

(1) They have outside sources of support, in the form of family, church, and/or support groups.

(2) They have an unshakable conviction that they will recover.

(3) They have an upward connection to a power greater than themselves.

Furthermore, our cancer survivors see their challenges as an opportunity to expand their consciousness and to deepen their inner connection with God.

  1. If researchers would shift their time and money away from developing costly and toxic drugs and begin to explore the medicines that the Creative Intelligence put on Earth for our benefit, our cancer cure rate would be much higher. Research on herbs such as curcumin tells us that this is indeed the case. The truth is that we are living in a profit-oriented society, and you cannot take out a patent on an herb.
  2. We must all be very wary of sensationalistic online ads and testimonials for “amazing” cures. Throughout recorded history, hucksters have capitalized on our health-related fears; and our dread of cancer makes us particularly vulnerable to the hype.

Finally, we are keenly aware that a great deal remains to be discovered about cancer, and that what we currently know has not unlocked the keys to solve the therapeutic mystery.

At Pacific Naturopathic, we follow the timeless wisdom of the Yellow Emperor’s Classic, inscribed in China 2500 years ago: Begin with the least invasive effective therapy, and then only very slowly increase the level of invasiveness as needed.

For more on Dr. Marcel’s work click HERE.